Garden Furniture Restoration

Buckingham, Buckinghamshire

This bespoke project required the full restoration of an old cast iron garden patio table inc. x2 chairs alongside a cast iron Wooden Bench.

Cast iron garden patio table x2 chairs

The cast iron table and chairs were stripped of paint using a paint stripper, all rust was removed using an angle grinder and wire brushes. This was then followed by the application of Owatrol Rust inhibitor. To finish, Owatrol Metal varnish was applied following manufacture guidelines. Absolutely stunning restorative work.

Cast iron Wooden Bench

The cast iron bench was restored by stripping and cleaning the majority of the existing paint followed by the application of Owatrol Rust inhibitor, an Oxide Primer finished with Zinnser All Coat (Solvent Based) paint. The hardwood bench slats were all restored where applicable using an epoxy resin followed by the rotary sanding of the slats before the application of a Redwood Wood stain for a professional finish.